"Career planning" means individualized, person- centered, comprehensive employment planning and support that provides assistance for individuals to achieve or advance in competitive integrated employment. Career planning is a focused and time- limited engagement of an individual in identification of a career direction and development of a plan for achieving competitive integrated employment and the supports needed to achieve that employment.

Are provided one-on-one

Support a person's community employment goals

Designed to develop an individualized employment plan

Designed to gather information about a person's strengths, interests, and employment preferences

Can lead directly to individualized employment through job development

Can be provided in conjunction with other services

What activities can be included in career planning? (See rule definition for full description)

Situational observation and assessment
Career exploration
Benefits education and analysis*
Career discovery
Employment/self-employment plan
Job development
Self-employment launch
Worksite accessibility*
Assistive technology assessment*

Career Planning in Rule