Venture Productions, Inc. is a non-profit 501c3 providing supports to individuals with disabilities.
Our History......
In the mid 1970’s, the Adams County Board of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities followed state mandates and began the process of developing a sheltered workshop for Adams County individuals with disabilities. In late 1977, the “Adams County Adult Activity Center” was opened and located in Seaman, OH. In the following years, enrollment grew as the community became aware of the program and series offered to individuals with disabilities. The increase in enrollment caused a need for additional space. Through a state grant and locally matched funds, a new facility was constructed in West Union. In January 1989, the building was completed and the workshop name was officially changed to Venture Productions, Inc. Venture Productions is an Ohio Corporation, organized not-for-profit. In 2002, through another state grant and locally matched funds, the building was expanded which allowed for more individuals to receive services at the workshop. Venture Productions, Inc. provides employment and other services to 70 adults who live in Adams County.
In 2014, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) called for what they refer to as “conflict-free case management.” County Boards in Ohio employ Service and Support Administrators (SSAs) who determine eligibility, develop service plans and connect people to service providers. These are considered case management functions by CMS. In addition to providing these SSA services, or case management services, many County Boards also provided transportation and adult services (like day programs and community employment services) directly to individuals, which are funded through federal Medicaid Waivers. According to the federal government, this is an inherent conflict of interest – overseeing the service coordination AND providing services directly to individuals. The federal government is requiring County Boards to resolve this conflict by no later than 2024 by phasing out of providing these services directly to individuals. Learn more about privatization here:
Over the course of 1 year, VPI worked with the County Board through the process of privatization of services. As of January 1, 2018, VPI completed this transition by assuming service provision functions including transportation, Adult Day Services, Homemaker Personal Care, and Community Employment supports. Adams County Board of Developmental Disabilities continues to coordinate services and supports for people in Adams County. VPI is proud to provide some of those services and supports in Adams County and now surrounding counties.
In 2018, Ohio’s Department of Developmental Disabilities determined that one of its’ service definitions (vocational habilitation) was not in line with the federal CMS regulation. Namely the following discrepancies were discovered:
- Vocational Habilitation cannot be used to pay for just supervision of someone who is working to produce goods or perform services on behalf of an employer.
- Vocational Habilitation cannot be used to help people with job-specific skills they need to do their work. Other employment services may be used for that purpose.
- People who are earning 50 percent or more of Ohio’s minimum wage should not use Vocational Habilitation but may use other employment services to help them be successful.
- More information about this guidance can be found here:
The Non-Profit Board of Directors are residents of Adams County with experience in industry, civic administration, education, parents of individuals receiving services, and other persons interested in helping disabled individuals to live and work independently in their communities. The Board of Directors also serves as the acting board for Venture Productions Housing Services, Inc., another non-profit agency which was created to provide affordable housing for eligible individuals wanting to live independently. Venture Productions Housing services, Inc. currently owns and operates two homes in West Union on Greenwood Ave and Williams Street.
Venture Productions holds a Department of Labor Sheltered Workshop Certificate authorizing the employment of disabled workers in accordance with Wage and Hour Division guideline. Currently, Venture Productions has numerous contracts both inside the workshop and outside the workshop.
We employ 54 individuals on our workshop and are supervised by 4 Supervisors.
Looking to the Future....
- More individuals (30% more) are successful in community jobs and connections; we have more partnerships with community organizations and people, better connections with OOD, and we have leveraged the idea that Venture is “a place to be used for different purposes by different people” for more community-based successes.
- We have several satellites (hubs) and partnerships across the community – based on interests and abilities, with supports and activities balanced toward more outcomes.
- An individual is a part of Adams County board of DD.
- We have new marketing strategies, with stories based on person-centered, meaningful successes.
Our Mission
Venture Productions enriches lives by providing support services to people with disabilities.
Our Values
Venture Productions, Inc. is oriented toward service excellence and is dedicated to providing the best service possible to the people we serve and to our business customers. We will continue to strive for improvement in the way we deliver services to our consumers and business customers, in our communication with donors and the community, and in the way we train and hold our staff accountable.
Our Business Customers
We are grateful for the many local businesses who choose to partner with Venture Productions, Inc. to achieve our common goals. We recognize that we could not achieve our mission without the support of these valuable customers, and we will provide each with excellent service, quality work and timely completion.
Our Vision
Venture Productions, Inc. provides a wide range of employment opportunities, vocational training, support services, and participation in the community for people with disabilities. Our commitment is to improve the quality of jobs preformed, wages earned, and social benefits derived from living and working in Adams County.
We continually seek to explore new opportunities that will allow greater choices, desires, preferences, and relationships for people with disabilities.
Our Service Recipients
We view the people we serve as people of infinite worth and believe that each person has something valuable to offer to the world. We will treat each person with compassion and respect, and will strive to provide the best individualized service possible to help each person achieve his/her full potential.
Our Staff
We value a competent and experienced staff from diverse backgrounds, where compassion is a core value. We believe in the value of teamwork and acknowledge that we can accomplish more together than as individuals. Understanding that we live in a dynamic society, we encourage staff to regularly participate in training opportunities and to bring innovation to service delivery.