Buckeye Dairy Bar and Putt Putt Golf

Out for a day of fun and learning how to play golf at Buckeye Dairy Bar and Putt Putt Golf. Please sign up with Sam to attend this outing. Venture to transport to and from during normal operational hours. $15.00 for 18 holes of golf and to cover cost of food/ ice cream.

Health Matters-Zumba Class

Health Matters! Let's get moving! Zumba class starts on April 24 from 10:00 am to 11:00 am for 10 weeks. Venture staff to transport to and from Studio 101 during normal operation hours.


Venture staff to take individuals to Walmart to shop for their own personal needs. Venture staff to transport to and from during normal operational hours. Please provide a shopping list of desired items and bring own funds to accommodate purchases.

Health Matters- Yoga Class

Health Matters! Let's get moving! Yoga class starts on April 25 from 10:00 am to 11:00 am for 10 weeks. Venture staff to transport to and from Studio 101 during normal operation hours.

Health Matters-Zumba Class

Health Matters! Let's get moving! Zumba class starts on April 24 from 10:00 am to 11:00 am for 10 weeks. Venture staff to transport to and from Studio 101 during normal operation hours.

Georgetown Ohio Village Wide Yard Sale

Georgetown, Ohio will be hosting their Annual Village wide yard sale starting Thursday, May 2, 2019. Venture Staff will transport to and from during normal operation hours. Please provide money for own purchases and food cost.

Health Matters- Yoga Class

Health Matters! Let's get moving! Yoga class starts on April 25  from 10:00 am to 11:00 am for 10 weeks. Venture staff to transport to and from Studio 101 during normal operation hours.

Cincinnati Art Museum

Cincinnati Art Museum is holding the No Spectators- The Art of the burning man exhibit. Stunning immersive room sized installations, art vehicles, creative costuming, films, jewelry, and more. Venture staff will transport to and from during normal operation hours. Art exhibit is free of charge, please provide $10.00 for cost of lunch.

Satterfield Chapel Church-Landscape

Volunteering our time to assist with landscape needs for Satterfield Chapel Church. Venture staff will transport to and from during normal operation hours. Please provide $7.00 to cover cost of lunch while we are out.

Health Matters- Zumba Class

Health Matters! Let's get moving! Zumba class starts on April 24 from 10:00 am to 11:00 am for 10 weeks. Venture staff to transport to and from Studio 101 during normal operation hours.